PHONE NUMBER: (416) 396-6535


Regent Heights Public School's Mission Statement

Regent Heights Public School began in October 1921 as a frame portable on the east side of Bexhill Avenue on rented property. Known as Regent's Park at that time, the school was really an annex to Oakridge School. Since then, the school location has changed twice and there have been many renovations and expansions to keep up with the increasing student population. We have been in the existing two-storey building, which began as a four-room facility, since September 1947.  Today we are a vibrant school housing Kindergarten to Grade 8.



Our Philosophy
The community of Regent Heights Public School believes that by demonstrating respect for each other, we can create a safe, caring and collaborative environment that promotes life long learning and celebrates the uniqueness of all individuals.

Regular Instructional Programs

-Languages--English, English as a Second Language, and French
-Mathematics, Science and Technology
-Arts--Music, Visual Arts, Drama and Dance
-Social Studies, Health and Physical Education

More Information About Regent Heights Public School

Assessment And School Improvment Planning

 The primary purpose of student assessment is to improve learning.  Assessment has the greatest potential to improve learning when it is an integral part of classroom activities. Teachers assess student progress on an ongoing basis (projects, class presentations, classroom observations, portfolios of student work, tests, etc.).

We use assessment information and information from other sources to make informed decisions for school improvement planning. We identify areas of strength as well as areas that require improvement.
This year's school improvement plan has three areas of focus:
1.  Equity - to increase staff knowledge of our parent community through partnering with community agencies to better understand wants/needs.
2. Achievement - improve student written communication, expression and reading comprehension in all strands of math through explicit teaching.
3. Well Being - Increase student resilience through the use of Zones of Regulation and Restorative Practices.

Information Technology

- increase the amount of time students are using computers and other technological equipment
- use the Internet and e-mail appropriately
- use software, hardware and technology to extend student learning and to develop research and keyboard skills
- integrate curriculum based IT activities on program

- computer lab and library
- Intermediate computer pods (in class)
- two Smart Boards, Elmos and Data Projectors
- school sound system (portable)

Special Education Programs

A variety of Special Education programs and services are offered to meet the needs of all students, including students with exceptionalities, such as behavioural, communication, intellectual, physical and multiple learning disabilities (Home School Program for Junior/Intermediate students, Resource Support).

Our school has monthly School Support Team (SST) meetings where students' exceptionalities are identified through a formal review process undertaken by an Identification,Placement and review committee (IPRC)

Personal and Social Responsibility

Regent Heights' staff support students to develop awareness of their responsibility for learning materials and learning environment as well as the global environment.  Students improve their organizational and time management skills through the continued use of the school Student Agenda (Grade 1-8).

Our school supports charitable organizations such as Terry Fox Walk, Movember and Me to We.  We use  Restorative Practices and Zones of Regulation to promote a positive learning atmosphere at Regent Heights.

Student Life - Where You Belong


Here at Regent Heights we have students from JK to Gr. 8. There are opportunities to support the diverse areas of interest, as well as the diverse needs of the students we serve, both academically and through co-curricular clubs, teams and activities.
Our students represent many different countries, and the wealth of cultures throughout the school is nurtured and celebrated.


We are a very diverse school that celebrates the uniqueness of our community as we work and learn from each other. We provide a wealth of extra-curricular activities to encourage and highlight students' strengths and areas of interest. We believe in a curriculum that supports art-based learning (music, drama, dance, visual arts) and integrates technology (computer lab, Smartboards, Elmo) and problem-solving throughout. We offer a growing number of co-curricular sports opportunities for our Junior/Intermediate students as well as a Primary House League program. We partner with the Scarborough Boys' and Girls' Club to offer opportunities for our students. We promote healthy minds and healthy bodies with the implementation of a schoolwide nutrition program. We believe in strong relationships and active involvement between home, school and the community to support our students, families and RH staff as we work and learn together.


Regent Heights has a school liaison police officer who visits classes to cover such topics as street proofing and drug awareness.  There is also an on-going liaison with West Scarborough Boys' and Girls' Club.   In addition, the School Council is active with parent volunteers who assist in the classrooms, in tutorial roles and on excursions, as well as with special initiatives such as fundraising.
We are very fortunate to have participated in the Roots of Empathy program since  2012.