PHONE NUMBER: (416) 396-6430


Lynnwood Heights Junior Public School's Mission Statement

Lynnwood Heights is located in the Agincourt community on the north side of Southlawn Drive.  The school first opened in 1956 with a population of over 400 students.  The school now serves approximately 175 students representing many different cultures.  About 80% of our students have a primary language other than English. Lynnwood Heights is committed to promoting an effective partnership where open communication and collaboration are valued.  We strive to maintain this team approach, as it enables our students to become productive, contributing members of our Canadian society.  Students have the right to a safe and secure environment.  They are taught safe practices and respect for themselves, others and the environment.



EarlyOn Centre

Our school is very fortunate to have a thriving EarlyON Cenre where parents and caregivers can network with friends and acquire strategies to support their young children.  Children and their families enjoy playing with the toys and learning at activity centres, participating in the gym and learning through songs and stories.  Snack time and "Pot Luck" lunches are always popular as are joint activities with the kindergarten such as Lunar New Year activities.  Children acquire social skills that help smooth the transition into kindergarten.  Many children love going back to visit as this program is available up to age six.

We offer Full Day Kindergarten programming with a safe enclosed play area for students.  Students are beginning to explore "inquiry based learning" based on their interests guided by teachers and ECEs who encourage them to ask questions and how they may pursue seeking answers or developing further questions.

More Information About Lynnwood Heights Junior Public School

We Will Read

We are pleased to be involved in this project where Ryerson Early Childhood Education students work with primary teachers to provide extra support using the "Early Reading Intervention" program with the goal that when students successfully "Learn to Read" in primary, they will be able to "Read to Learn" in junior grades and beyond.

Developmental Disability Programs

Lynnwood has hosted 2  programs since 2009 and is dedicated to providing inclusion and integration opportunities with other classes and our Parenting and Family Literacy Centre.  We have a primary program and a junior program which will help to reduce the number of transitions these students will encounter.

Computers and Technology

All classrooms from Kindergarten to Grade 6 are now equipped with either a SMARTBoard or a Promethean Board.  All classes have access to the following technology:  50 iPads, 40 Chromebooks, 10 Surface tablets, and various HP laptops.  Students have become very proficient at using technology which will help to prepare them for future learning opportunities and employment.

Fine Facilities and Green Space

Visitors to our building frequently comment about our sparkling, well maintained facility.  We have a fenced green space with plenty of area to run and play, with mature trees on the perimeter.  Community members have moved here because of close proximity to a local school.  We are certified as a Gold EcoSchool and are continually finding ways to be eco-friendly.

Additional Features

  • EarlyOn Centre
  • Full Day Kindergarten
  • Forest of Reading-Literacy Program
  • ECOSchool
  • Band, Strings, Orff Programs
  • Nature Study Area
  • Game On!, Go Girls! Programs
  • Choir

Student Life - Where You Belong


Despite our size, teachers are dedicated to providing co-curriular activities that appeal to our students.  These have ranged from cross-country and track and field athletics to Forest of Reading clubs and EcoSchool Club and craft clubs where students have learned different skills.  We also have had classroom choirs and folk dancing groups for primary and junior students, various leadership opportunities whereby students do morning announcements, are our office helpers at recesses and lunch, are Master/Mistress of Ceremony at various events, etc.


Our school is fortunate to have both a band and strings program available to all students in Grade 5 and Grade 6.  As an EcoSchool, students are exploring many ways that we can reduce our carbon footprint e.g., Terracylcing, boomerang lunches, goos paper, etc.  Last year, Lynnwood was able to maintain our Gold EcoSchools status due to the hard work of all staff, students, and the community.  The Arts are integrated into our language block to enhance differentiated instruction.  We have fundraised for various causes such as Terry Fox Foundation, Rick Hansen Foundation, Canadian Legion, etc.  Each year we hold our annual food drive which supports the Agincourt Community Services. 


We encourage local intermediate and secondary school teachers and students to become involved with our school and facilitate opportunities for secondary school and college students who are interested in the field of education as a career. This year we are hosting Sir William Osler High School, Ryerson, Centennial, George Brown, and Seneca College co-operative students. Our School Council focuses on enriching the lives of our students through involvement in a variety of ways:  adult volunteers assist on excursions, in the classroom and for special events and outreach programs, pizza lunches, movie nights, and bake sales. The Family Literacy and Parenting Centre opened September 2008, which creates links between preschool and kindergarten programs and eases the transition for children and their families. This  is particularly significant as the province moves towards full day kindergarten.