PHONE NUMBER: (416) 396-6330


Highland Creek Public School's Mission Statement

We are a small neighbourhood school, Kindergarten to Grade 8, located in the southeast corner of the TDSB. Our school has grown and we have recently expanded our programs to include Middle Immersion at the Grade 4 level, as well as Extended French at the Grade 5 to 8 levels. We welcome students from several schools to be part of this program.
We presently serve approximately 225 students. Our mission is to enable all students to reach high levels of achievement through:
  •  a safe, healthy and orderly learning environment
  • continuous professional learning
  • a collaborative approach by our teachers to planning and sharing of best practices   
  • effective partnership with our parents and the community


School Improvement Plan

The Toronto District School Board is united in support of every student. Our collective effort must ensure that all students are successful in meeting our goals of Equity, Achievement and Well-Being. Every school will develop, implement and monitor, based on a systematic analysis of data, a set of research-based school improvement action plans to meet the needs of every learner with a particular focus on reducing the achievement gap for students who have been identified by the school data to be at risk of not meeting the curriculum standards.


More Information About Highland Creek Public School

School Focus - Literacy & Numeracy

Literacy & Numeracy continue to be the main focus. Our goal is to develop critical thinking skills and problem solving strategies through Inquiry-Based Learning with experiences relevant to the needs of all students. Staff development programs have been intensified to further strengthen the consistency of instruction in literacy & numeracy across all grades.

Special Education Programs

We believe that all students can be successful. Our special education programs and services strive to meet the needs of all students, including those with exceptionalities, and recognize the unique characteristics of our students, their strengths & needs. Effective communication between school staff, parents and students is essential to the success of all students.

Assessment & Evaluation

The purpose of assessment & evaluation is to develop programs that best support students in reaching their potential. Our staff uses a variety of assessment tools to guide instruction and improve student achievement. With this information teachers monitor student progress, identify learning gaps and take action to improve knowledge and understanding.

21st Century Learner

We are proud to announce that our school accommodates the needs of 21st Century Learners by facilitating the use of the newest devices and tools. For example, each classroom uses a Smart Board, iPads and Chrome Books. Also, we were able to transform our library into a learning commons with the help of our dedicated School Council.

Additional Features

  • Full Day Kindergarten Program
  • MI & Extended French - Grade 4 to 8
  • Outdoor Education Experience
  • Scientists in Schools
  • Band Program
  • Clubs and Teams
  • Character Education
  • Integrated Technology

Student Life - Where You Belong


At Highland Creek, student life extends student learning and development beyond the classroom. Our priority is the development of the whole student. In addition to the purposeful learning opportunities in the classroom, our students are involved in a variety of activities that develop skills such as leadership (e.g., office helpers, organizing school events), athletic ability (e.g., sports clubs & teams), artistic talent (e.g., Choir, Dance & Music) and character building (e.g., peer tutoring). This year we are gradually reintroducing programs, following guidelines from TPH and TDSB. Because of the dedication of staff, students, parents and community, our students have a rich and engaging life at Highland Creek.


Highland Creek Public School is a small K-8 school in the east end of the Toronto District School Board. With 225 students enrolled at our school, the atmosphere is that of an extended family. Everyone knows one another, as well as respects and cares for each other. We ensure students are able to participate as fully as they would like in the academic, social and athletic opportunities that the school provides. We have recently expanded our program to include Middle Immersion for Grade 4, where students receive instruction in French in all subjects. We also have our Extended French program for Grades 5 to 8 where students receive instruction in French for 50% of their day in subjects such as French, Social Studies and the Arts. Parental involvement and student voice are important aspects of life at Highland Creek. Their efforts contribute to the building of a strong community, and they offer valuable and input into the functioning of the school. Because of the dedication of staff, parents and community members, our students enjoy a rich and engaging life here at “the Creek”.


At Highland Creek, we believe in the saying "It takes a village to raise a child". Our school has a very dedicated School Advisory Council. Parents meet regularly to assist with school plans and raise funds to provide additional enrichment, resources and activities for students.
A regular team of committed parents are always available to accompany classroom teachers on excursions and to share their skills and cultures with our students.
Our students, staff and parents give back to the community through donations and food drives. We also take advantage of the many opportunites for partnerships which are available within the community.