PHONE NUMBER: (416) 396-6220


Elizabeth Simcoe Junior Public School's Mission Statement

Elizabeth Simcoe Junior Public School is a dynamic school that has a strong sense of community. The school is located in Guildwood Village in Scarborough, on the north side of Sylvan Avenue and adjacent to the Scarborough Bluffs. The expansive school grounds provide plenty of space for physical education, school sport teams, intra murals and outdoor play.

The school opened in 1963. It was named in honour of John Graves Simcoe's wife, Elizabeth Simcoe. The school population is relatively stable. Many of the children who enter Junior Kindergarten remain with us until the end of Grade 6. English is the language spoken at home for the majority of our students.

Our school delivers Special Education programs including a Primary Communications class, a Junior Communications class and a Special Education gifted program for  junior students from nearby communities as well as from our own community.   Integrated programs are  key and are provided for our Special Education students. We are committed to an integrated school environment that is inclusive and equitable for all our students and honours multiples learning styles and differentiated curriculum delivery.

Good Character & Co-operation Matters

We work towards the creation and consistency of a co-operative learning environment at Elizabeth Simcoe.  We believe that it is important that learners acquire respect and discipline so they can participate and benefit from school activities that stimulate their learning in an optimal and supportive learning environment. Character Educations remains a high priority at Simcoe with life related experiences that promote positive citizenship and service to our school and community. 

Here at Elizabeth Simcoe Character Education is a central learning pillar.  We strongly believe that Character development in our children is the foundation from which every other kind of succeess begins and blossoms.  We believe the qualities of respect, empathy, teamwork, fairness, honesty, co-operation, integrity perseverance and responsibility is central to the holistic development of our students, when it is weaved into every aspect of student life at school.  
Character Education is also addressed directly through curriculum delivery, resources, classroom lessons and class meeting and celebrated during morning annoucements, special events and montly assemblies.  Simcoe Shines with Character

More Information About Elizabeth Simcoe Junior Public School

Student Life - Where You Belong


We have an enriched student life here at Elizabeth Simcoe.  Students benefit from various extra curricular activities.  They include Primary and Junior Choir.  School Teams vary from year to year.  This year they include Cross Country, Borden Ball, Flag Football, Volleyball & Track and Field.  Our expanding intra mural programme give both primary and junior students an opportunity to be active during the day in a fun, inclusive and supportive environment.  Intra murals first term have included flag football and volleyball for the junior students and pumpkin pass (Borden ball) and pumpkin knockdown for the primary students.  The second and third terms also promises to be very fun.  School clubs vary from term to term and year to year.  Some of our favourite clubs for our students include drama club, primary kitchen science club, camera club, Boys Reading club, Mad Science, U Can Dance, piano club, gardening club,  Eco student club, to name a few.  Our clubs run at lunch so all or our children have an equal opportunity to participate and it gives our students some meaningful, fun, activities to keep them busy and productive over the lunch hour! 


Our school clearly benefits from a positive and productive school culture.  We have nurtured a warm, inclusive, safe space for all our students, staff, parents, and our visitors from our extended community.  Many visitors comment on the great feeling in the school and wonderful opportunities that are provided  for our students.  The excellent Professional Learning Community that frames our positive school culture  is central to the great work and wonderful dividends our students and staff achieve and benefit from at Elizabeth Simcoe.Our strong emphasizes on technology including our computer lab and the use of Promethean Boards and Smart Boards in almost all classes, provides students with a very productive, innovative, powerful learning tool, allowing them to access the curriculum in a meaningful manner that enriches and supports student  learning.   We are truly a school family on the cutting edge of learning and are very proud of our accomplishments!


Our school has many positive and productive relationships with our parents and community partners. Our active, dynamic School Council organizes and executes activities to directly support and enrich the learning experience of the children in the school. In addition our School strongly supports  theWest Hill Community Services with our annual Christmas Angel Tree toy drive, Food & Clothing Drives a number of times a year.  We also support UNICEF; Change for Change programm to name a few.  
We have very active parent and community volunteers who assist in the school's classrooms as well as in many other activities in the school. 
Our school sponsors community agencies and events that support our emphasis on Social Justice such as Free the Children, World Vision, UNICEF; Change for Change, Canadian Cancer Society, Jump Rope for Heart and the M.S. Read-a-thon to name a few of them.