PHONE NUMBER: (416) 396-6195


Dr Marion Hilliard Senior Public School's Mission Statement

Dr. Marion Hilliard Senior Public School was named after the Head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Women's College Hospital in 1947 until she retired in 1956. In 1947 she along with others developed a simplified procedure for detecting early symptoms of cancer. It is a school with a highly diverse student population, both culturally, economically and linguistically. Our grade 7 students are primarily from five junior elementary schools: Malvern, Grey Owl, Tom Longboat, Burrows Hall, and Berner Trail. Our staff is committed to motivating and challenging students to maximize their potentials in all areas of the curriculum so that they can become optimally rounded citizens of Canada and the world.

The following programs/strategies are in place to assist us in addressing the needs of our students:

- English as a Second Language Program
-  Healthy Snack Program
- Student leadership opportunities ( Student Leadership, Book Clubs, and more)
- Imani Mentorship Program
- Effective family communication and Safe Arrivals through the automated call out system
- Curriculum Night
- School performances
- Parent Council
- Co-Curricular activities (e.g, sports)
- Common understanding and policy on bullying
- Special Education Program to improve the achievement levels of students according to their abilities.


At Hilliard, our focus is to continue to investigate differentiated strategies to support and improve student's numeracy skills through the continued implementation of math manipulatives, and the use of the technology.  Some teaching strategies that are used include 3 part lesson and student math congresses.

More Information About Dr Marion Hilliard Senior Public School


Through team planning and ongoing professional development, we are striving to deliver an effective literacy program to improve our students' abilities and achievement in reading, writing and oral communication. We continue to use descriptive feedback and integrate authentic learning experiences and social responsibility into our programming. 

Hilliard’s Morning Meal Program

At Hilliard, healthy morning meals are prepared and available to all students each morning. Having a healthy snack has proven to increase student’s energy level and attention in the classroom.  There is a minimal costs for this healthy option that is collected three times a year.  Our program is sponsored by local organizations and TFSS.


Our pathways goal will be to further develop cross-grade professional learning and curriculum planning.  We work closely with our feeder schools (Malvern, Grey Owl, Tom Longboat, Burrows Hall, and Berner Trail), as well as with Lester B. Pearson C.I. to ensure that the transition of our students provides them with the tools they need in order to be successful.

Community, Culture & Caring

We strive to create more team building and leadership opportunities within the school for both staff and students, using character education, growth mindset and well-being as a framework.  

Dr. Marion Hilliard S.P.S. fosters and encourages families to get involved in our school community. Each year we invite our families to our special celebrations. We also have community groups that come into our school to support and work with our students and their families.

Student Life - Where You Belong


Students at Hilliard are provided with a range of co-curricular activities which can enhance and reinforce the regular program and curriculum.  Participating in these types of activities allows students to further develop social skills, learn new skills, discover hidden talents and can enhance their leadership potential.  Some of the Co-curricular's that are offered at Dr. Marion Hilliard are:


  •  Basketball
  • Cross Country       
  • Flag Football
  • Soccer
  • Track and Field
  • Volleyball
  • Chess
  • Eco-schools
  • Student Council
  • Robotics 
      The Arts
  • Band


Hilliard participated in the Model Schools for Inner Cities initiative for three years in the past and continues to offer the Beyond 3:30 Program.  Beyond 3:30 provides after-school academic support and recreational programming for our students. In addition, we have the Young Heroes Program from Malvern Family Resource Centre.
Hilliard is a mandatory UNIFORM school.


A healthy partnership between school and home is essential for student success.  Information regarding school activities, class excursions and other special learning opportunities will be sent home with your child from time to time throughout the year.  Teachers will communicate with parents by phone, agenda, progress reports and report cards, and parent-teacher conferences/interviews.  Parents and guardians are encouraged to contact the school whenever the need arises and maintain open lines of communication with their child's teachers.  Workshops are provided to assist parents as they support their children to build resilience and succeed.