PHONE NUMBER: (416) 396-6155


Chine Drive Public School's Mission Statement

Chine Drive Public School is perched on the Scarborough Bluffs overlooking Lake Ontario. This small school of 155 pupils is south of Kingston Road and east of Midland Avenue. Chine Drive P.S. was officially opened in September 1957, although the school had already been in operation for two years, housed in portables. Providing a safe, caring environment in which children can learn and grow continues to be the focus of our school. Our school location and grounds also provide opportunities for our students to learn in a natural outdoor setting which supports our Eco Schools goals. Our Mission statement guides us "to foster academic excellence, lifelong learning, social awareness and mutual respect in a safe and welcoming environment."

In the pursuit of academic excellence, Chine Staff continues to plan in Professional Learning Communities. Teachers work in a Collaborative Inquiry Learning model with a focus on increasing student achievement in Literacy and Numeracy.  Chine Drive is committed to engaging our students through technology.  Throughout the school, use of assistive technology helps teachers to bring learning to life.  Chine Drive is also very keen on bringing Sports and Arts to life.  A variety of sports and extra-curricular clubs allows for student participation based on personal interests and abilities.

Student Leadership Council

Chine Drive PS is committed to providing students with opportunities to become strong and confident leaders within our community!  Students involved in the Leadership Council raise awareness of Wellness initiatives, spearhead fundraising activities and support younger students in the classrooms and around the playground.  Although the students are involved in Me To We campaign events, students are building on community partnerships with the Local Food Banks, Charity organization groups and continue to look for ways to make a difference as local and global citizens.

More Information About Chine Drive Public School

Our Mission and Vision

Mission: Chine Drive P.S. will foster academic excellence, life-long learning, social awareness and mutual respect in a safe and welcoming environment.

Chine Drive P.S. will engage and support all learners through differentiated instruction and technology, fostering critical thinking and making connections to our lives and the world.

Character Matters

In the spirit of social awareness, daily classroom and school activities focus on Character Education which regularly connect to what is happening around the world. Recognition and Spirit assemblies recognize students exhibiting the value of the month. We aim to build a positive, safe learning environment to support character growth and promote school spirit.


The use of assistive technology enhances student learning and supports differentiated instruction for all students. At Chine, students continue to demonstrate their learning and understanding through the use of iPads, laptops and Chromebooks. Personal electronic devices (BYOD) are also welcome in the classroom to support learning within different areas of the curriculum.

Arts are Alive

Chine continues to bring the Arts to life. School wide projects include visiting artists who work with students on a specific theme. One example includes the creative work of student art displayed outside and in the foyer area of our school and our Learning Commons.

Additional Features

  • Active School Council
  • Platinum Ecoschool
  • Variety of Extra-curriculuar clubs
  • Band and Strings Music Programs
  • Sports Teams
  • Vocal Music Program (K-3)
  • Talent Show
  • Visiting Artists

Student Life - Where You Belong


Student life at Chine is simply amazing! There are many resources at the students' fingertips to assist in their learning. We have a Learning Commons rich with resources that is open for use all day which teachers use to support all learners. From a student perspective, our extra-curricular activities are abundant.   We have many clubs and sports available to students.  As a school community, Chine Drive is a place that new students of all ages are accepted with open minds and hearts. Student voice is strong, as one former Grade 8 student says "At Chine, we value student-teacher relationships. This is important because a strong bond between you and your teacher is key to absorbing all you can in an academic environment. Teachers at Chine are approachable so that you can report any problem or ask for help without hesitation. Overall,  Chine Drive P.S. is a warm learning environment that puts a smile on your face." 


Chine is unlike any other school in the sense that the school is set in a beautiful, natural nook in the city. Overlooking the lake and the bluffs; the view is undeniably breathtaking. The grounds include two large fields and many shading trees. This Platinum Eco School is a true testament to the importance of preserving and protecting our environment. Chine is constantly embracing 21st century technology as we engage all learners. We are equipped with interactive whiteboards in every classroom, desktop computers, Chromebooks, laptops and ipads.  Chine is helping students develop skills that will prepare them for their future. Walking into Chine, one can experience the warm and friendly community feeling. Parents, students, and staff are connected, making Chine a safe and inviting neighbourhood school. Simply put, Chine is a family!


Parents at Chine are an integral part of the school community and support school improvement through their insights and advisory responsibilities. They also provide volunteer assistance to the school throughout the school year. The School Council meets regularly to address issues of importance to students. A Scholastic Book Fair and an Annual Fun Fair raise the majority of funds used for school programs such as visiting artists,  schoolyard enhancement projects and technology. Parents at Chine are supportive to the staff and the school community as they work as partners in education to create a caring and dynamic learning environment for the students.