PHONE NUMBER: (416) 396-6065


Birch Cliff Heights Public School's Mission Statement

Birch Cliff Heights P.S. is located on Highview Avenue at the foot of Kennedy Road. BCH, as it's affectionately known, stands majestically on a beautiful property amongst the tall trees that surround the main entrance to the school.  In 1922, the local community petitioned for and was given its own school which was named Birch Cliff Heights P.S.  Additions were built in 1924 and 1954. The parents always have and continue to take great interest and pride in their school.
At Birch Cliff Heights Public School, we are committed to providing our students with the knowledge and skills to ensure success in their future lives.
                   Our school motto is "Soar to New Heights"




School Focus

We work collaboratively to achieve student success by:
  • building strong programs in Literacy and Numeracy
  •  using data driven teaching practices 
  • using technology effectively as a tool to enhance student learning
  • involving the School Council in the life of the school
  • providing students with opportunities to expand on their leadership skills
  • wellness and mental health
  • music education

More Information About Birch Cliff Heights Public School


We continue to work on our recycling program, conserving energy and reducing paper usage. Our EcoTeam which includes many teachers, Chief George and students is beginning to mobilize more and more initiatives to make BCH a better place in our community and our environment.  


Our popular Wellness Group is actively involved in several initiatives throughout the entire school.  They meet to do yoga, mindfullness training and develop special character education "cheers" for our many assemblies.


BCH is committed to being the change! Young people all over the world are leading the way in global change, and BCH is stepping up to the challenge. As a Me To We school, our focus is on 'WE' instead of  'ME'. Several fundraising opportunities take place throughout the year. 


Technology such as the Smartboard, iPads,  multimedia projectors and the Mobile Computing Strategy (Gr. 6) are integrated into the curriculum. The use of such assistive devices enhances student learning and achievement.  It supports differentiated instruction and addresses the needs of diverse student learners.

Additional Features

  • Character Education
  • Bullying Prevention Programs
  • Music Program
  • Full Day Learning - Kindergarten
  • Wellness Group
  • Extra-curricular sports and clubs
  • School Council
  • Eco Club

Student Life - Where You Belong


There are so many opportunities for students to get involved in school life at Birch Cliff Heights P.S.  Students can participate in numerous activities that enhance their many talents and skills.  Students may join: The Girls Leadership Group, the Fundraising Club, Me to We, dance & badminton, Eco-club, The Wellness group, and Student council.  We also have many opportunities for leadership:  office helpers, door monitors, and peer helpers.
  • Wellness Group
  • Student Council
  • Cross Country (Fall) or Track and Field (Spring)
  • Boys' and Girls' Volleyball
  • Boys' and Girls' Basketball
  • Soccer (Intramurals)
  • Gardening Club 
  • Eco Environmental Club 
  • Instrumental Band
  • Me To We Student Leadership Group

Many of our students when asked have stated that "Life at BCH is great. I wake up in the morning ready for a wonderful day at school. The kids are nice and so are the staff.

BCH is awesome!"


Birch Cliff Heights is a busy, vibrant school.  Parents are very involved in many aspects of our community.  Our school has a rich history and many of our current parents (and grandparents) also attended BCH.  Student voice is an integral part of our school and we celebrate success regularly.  


Birch Cliff Heights P.S. is the hub of our community. There is a strong school council that works collaboratively with staff and students to advance the goals and initiatives of the school.  We work towards strengthening our connections within the community beyond the school level to provide a broader foundation of support for our students.
Our community partners include: The Toronto Public Health Department, Faculties of Education, local businesses, Co-op programs at Secondary Schools, Birchmount Bluffs Neighbourhood Centre and the Metropolitan Toronto Police.
We promote a kind and caring learning environment where our students understand their role locally, nationally and globally.  This is demonstrated through our support of agencies such as: The Terry Fox Foundation, United Way, The Daily Bread Food Bank, the Heart and Stroke Foundations and Free the Children-Me To We.