PHONE NUMBER: (416) 396-6055


Beverly Glen Junior Public School's Mission Statement

Beverly Glen Junior Public School is a Kindergarten to Grade 6 school situated in the northwest portion of the Bridlewood community on Beverly Glen Boulevard. The school first opened in 1972. Presently, the school serves over 450 culturally diverse students in a safe, caring and student-centred environment. As of September 1998, Beverly Glen became a dual track school offering both regular English and French Immersion programs. The parents and students of Beverly Glen have been and continue to be actively involved in the life of the school.  We continue to have an active School Council that supports the school in many ways.

We continue to develop character in all students and this is a shared responsibility between home and school. There is a need for family, community and schools to engage cooperatively to encourage students' learning and maturing as social beings. Throughout the year, we will continue to focus on the 10 attributes identified at the TDSB and we encourage parents to reinforce these attributes at home whenever possible: Respect, Responsibility, Empathy, Kindness and Caring, Teamwork, Fairness, Honesty, Co-operation, Integrity and Perseverance.

Character Education

At Beverly Glen our students are taught to be responsible, to acquire the skills, attitudes and knowledge in order to achieve their personal highest potential. We strongly believe that it is important that our students develop the character skills to do what is right, acting morally with wisdom and balance individual concerns with the rights and needs of others.  Through their Beverly Glen experience, we want our students to identify and develop their individual gifts, talents and interests and through this, embrace a lifelong love of learning.

More Information About Beverly Glen Junior Public School

Parents as Partners

The staff at Beverly Glen believe that open communication and an active involvement in a child’s education is vital and can only enhance classroom programs.  Parents play a very important part in the success that a child experiences at school. For this reason, the connection between the parents and the school is a significant one. 

High Yield Strategies

At Beverly Glen we........
*assess student work collaboratively
*promote a culture of high expectations
*inform instruction with data
*plan large blocks of learning
*focus on developing higher order thinking skills
*provide opportunities for purposeful talk
*differentiate instruction
*emphasize non-fiction writing
*plan collaboratively

Extra Curricular Activities

There are many activities, clubs, leadership opportunities and school teams at Beverly Glen. Our rich co-curricular activities clearly illustrate that the students at Beverly Glen are provided with many opportunities to become actively involved in the life of the school to enrich and enhance learning, social development, and leadership skills.

Music Appreciation

The study of music supports wonderment, imagination, appreciation and sensitivity. The goals of our band, recorder and choir includes good practice habits, working within an ensemble, rehearsal procedures, and a focus on the essentials of music.   Beverly Glen believes that the openmind-edness of younger students allows for a spirit of experimentation and adventure.

• Music encourages creativity as an inventive thinking style.
• Music is communication.
•It is a language unto itself and allows the student an understanding of something that cannot be found in any other part of life.
• Music allows critical assessment by teaching the student to access factual as well as emotional sides of the mind in the same process.
• Music teaches tenacity and persistence
•The sense of commitment the student learns from this will follow him his entire life.
•The longer students remain in music, the higher the academic benefit.

Additional Features

  • Boys Reading Club
  • Free the Children
  • PALS programme
  • Reading Programmes
  • Student Council
  • Friendship Club
  • Literacy Sharing Assemblies
  • Speech Arts

Student Life - Where You Belong


At Beverly Glen students are always participating in exciting events and activities. This year, students at Beverly Glen will be partaking in Scientist in School workshops. These workshops expose students to a variety of new and informative science activities.  All workshops are based on the Ontario Science and Technology Curriculum. Students enjoy these workshops because they are exposed to science in a fun way.  At Beverly Glen we are fortunate to have Itinerant teachers who come to our school twice a week to teach recorders and band.  At Beverly Glen we have a Student Council which consists of responsible, creative and an ambitious group of junior students. These students are committed to making Beverly Glen an exciting, fun and inclusive educational environment for all. The Student Council has many important jobs that they do for the school including Spirit Days (i.e. Crazy Hair Day), organizing assemblies, and announcements on Equity.  The Student Council continues to be an active part of the school. It is a successful organization that gives many students the opportunity to participate in a leadership role, where they can actively share and contribute ideas.


At Beverly Glen we believe that high expectations for our students in the area of academic, arts, athletics, awareness, and attitude is what will make them productive members of      society. According to Howard Gardener the "arts" are a vehicle for delivering curriculum while addressing the various needs of students who best acquire information from non-traditional teaching methods. We are also a dual track school and the Early French Immersion Program begins in Senior Kindergarten. We offer 100% French instruction in the classroom until the end of Grade 3. All subjects are taught in French. English instruction is gradually introduced beginning in Grade 4 until it becomes a half-day program in grade 6. We are one of 43 schools across the TDSB that offer entry to the Early French Immersion program in Senior Kindergarten.  We are committed to ensuring that our students have what it takes to achieve their full potential. 


Parent Involvement:
*An active and committed School Council
*Regular parent volunteers who work in the library, in classrooms, and on trips
*Parent nights
*Parenting programme offered by the school social worker
*A Before Absence Reporting Program, an integral part of our Safe Arrival Program
 Community Links:
*Consultation with the Public Health Nurse
*Working with the community police officer
*Collaboration with community/social agencies
*L'Amoreaux Collegiate Institute co-op program
*Visits to local library and guest speakers to augment programs
*Participation in Babies Best Start Hamper Drive