PHONE NUMBER: (416) 395-3350

GRADE RANGE: 12 to 12



Yorkdale Secondary School's Mission Statement

Yorkdale Secondary School (EdVance) is a quadmestered program for students between 18 and 20 years of age to earn high school credits in an adult setting.  The EdVance program is for students who are earning a diploma or upgrading for post-secondary education.  Up to three credits can be earned in just nine weeks, leading to University, College, apprenticeship, or directly to the workplace. We offer ongoing support, and many program options that recognize a student's need to combine school, work, and family commitments. Yorkdale is a dynamic, multicultural, and inclusive environment where Canadian born students and newcomers to Canada can have the opportunity to achieve personal and academic success.


For those students enrolled in our EdVance program, you can take advantage of PLAR to earn even more credits. An OSSD is earned after thirty credits are successfully completed. If you have been to school elsewhere, held a job, raised children, immigrated to Canada or had other learning experiences, you may apply for Prior Learning Assessment Review (PLAR) and be awarded credits towards your diploma. This process allows many students to earn a diploma sooner.

More Information About Yorkdale Secondary School


Technology courses include Hospitality, Hairstyling, Health Care, and Construction/Woodworking. In all of our technology courses, students learn hands-on skills that can be applied to the workforce or College programs. One quad per year, we offer a unique course such as guitar making or green industries.

Business & Computers

We offer a variety of Business and Computer courses such as introduction to Business (or International), Marketing, Accounting, Entrepreneurship, and Computer applications. The goal of these programs is to keep students on the cutting edge of emerging issues in Business and Computer technology.

The Arts

Our Arts courses include Visual Arts, Photography, Music, Drama, Ceramics, Drawing, and Painting. These courses are intended to meet the interests of our diverse student population.

English as a Second Language

For our newcomers to Canada, we offer ESL levels A,B,C, and D. In addition to those ESL courses, we offer a variety of other courses designed to enhance student literacy. (eg. presentation & speaking skills, English literacy skills)

Additional Features

  • New Fitness Centre
  • Day Care
  • Child Youth Counsellor
  • Other Social Supports
  • Field Trips
  • Presentations & Assemblies
  • Student Council Events
  • Clubs & Extra-curriculars

Student Life - Where You Belong


Yorkdale Student Services provides support for our students. There are lunchtime workshops on topics such as preparing for post-secondary education, OSAP, apprenticeship, job search strategies and preparing for job interviews. Counsellors are available to assist you in charting the pathway toward the career of your dreams. We have annual career/job and college fairs. We have a full-time Child and Youth Counsellor as well as a Social Worker who offers private counselling by appointment on site. Topics such as mental health, harm reduction, and healthy relationships are addressed through assemblies and counselling. Employers and community agencies visit to provide information on jobs and other community assistance.
We offer a wide selection of Grade 9-12 courses for all pathways. Choose from:
English, ESL, Ontario Literacy Course, Mathematics, Science, Social Science, Arts, Business, Physical Education, Technical Studies, and even Co-Op Education.


We have Wi-Fi throughout our school building. EdVance has a free lunch program prepared by students in the hospitality program. Yorkdale is located near bus and subway stops and is surrounded by great shopping and restaurants. There is a subsidized day care on site operated by the City of Toronto. Teachers provide students with IEPs the supports they need to be successful. This includes literacy/numeracy support, extra time to write tests, conduct credit recovery/rescue activities or use the technology available to support their learning. We have active clubs in the building such as student council, music, gaming, ESL/Art, GSA, etc. that all students are encouraged to participate in. Intramural and team sports are also available such as basketball, soccer, volleyball, and badminton.


There are four registration periods a year and each term lasts nine weeks. Check our website to learn the date of the next registration session. You must be free to attend school every day, Monday to Friday, two hours for each class you choose. The first class of the day begins at 8:25a.m. and the last class starts for 1:15p.m. In the community, we have many co-op employer partners and many agency partners to support students outside of academics.