PHONE NUMBER: (416) 395-3090


St. Andrew's Middle School's Mission Statement

St. Andrew's Middle School community values tradition and excellence and has been committed to delivering quality programs for all students for more than 50 years. The highly knowledgeable staff offer a challenging, caring, and safe environment for adolescents to develop their social, emotional, and academic skills.
St. Andrew's Middle School serves as a transition between elementary and secondary school. Students’ timetables include core academic subjects as well as a choice of a wide range of exploratory subjects. St. Andrew's MS is also proud of our High Performing Athletes' program for elite athletes to strive for both academic and athletic excellence.

St. Andrew's Middle School houses 5 Gifted Program classrooms, as well as the regular English Track.

St. Andrew's MS is rich with incredible specialty programming. We have a fantastic Music Program encompassing both Band and String options. We also have a dynamic Physical Education Program, teaching the students skills that benefit them outside of the school. Students at St. Andrew's MS also have the benefit of participating in the Wood Shop program. This is a great way for students to learn technical skills in a way that is authentic.

Character Development

St. Andrew's Middle School community focuses on Character Development through morning announcements, visual displays, and other forms of student expression to promote harmony and understanding. Character Development also includes bullying prevention activities such as: school participation in Bullying prevention week, student assemblies and contests, classroom and extra-curricular teamwork opportunities. Our students also take part in many activities that raise awareness of the importance of the giving spirit.

More Information About St. Andrew's Middle School

Striving for success

Our students are supported to meet high program standards. We work to ensure that all students succeed and excel. Evaluation of student progress is varied and ongoing, with regular feedback provided to students and parents. Study and organizational skills are taught and practised. Extra help and support are offered through a caring and supportive staff.

Instrumental Music program

We offer an extensive instrumental music program for all grade 6, 7 and 8 students and an extensive extracurricular program including; jazz band, concert band, junior strings, chamber strings, various small ensembles and our marching band. Come and see us in action!

High Performing Athletes' Program

Our HPA program provides a flexible learning environment that empowers the elite athlete to strive for academic and athletic excellence. Students must be recommended by a qualified coach or organization, compete at high levels and be approved for acceptance. Currently, we offer a morning program for students in grades 6 to 8.  

Successful Students

St. Andrew's offers various support programs for identified students. Teachers offer extra-help sessions. St. Andrew's has a strong specialty staff supporting the well being of our students as well. We work closely with our School Social Worker and our School Guidance Counsellor to ensure success for all.

Additional Features

  • Strong core academic program
  • Band, Strings, Visual Arts & Drama
  • Design & Tech
  • Vibrant peer tutor program
  • Exciting math opportunities
  • Focus on Healthy Active Living
  • Experienced, dedicated staff
  • Unique educational experiences

Student Life - Where You Belong


At St. Andrew's MS, our students are encouraged to develop their leadership skills in many diverse extra-curricular initiatives: intramural and competitive sports (volleyball, basketball, running, track, swimming, Touch Football, Ice hockey soccer, frisbee...); choir, strings and band music ensembles; numerous clubs, robotics and math competitions. Character Development initiatives also offer leadership challenges through Spirit days, Student Council, Athletic Council and fundraising/outreach initiatives.
During daily life at school, our students have lockers; they follow a rotary timetable and move classrooms each period. Students follow a 6-period daily timetable, on a 5-day cycle. They enjoy a lunch period in our full-service cafeteria and go outside to the sports fields for fresh air and physical activity.


Students are encouraged to strive for excellence  in many areas such as: academics, sports, the arts, out-of-classroom activities and clubs. Three science labs, two computer labs, two instrumental music rooms, an attractive Visual Arts room, a Drama room, a well-stocked Library and Resource Centre, and our Design and Technology facilities enable us to provide a strong and varied program for all of our students including those in the Regular Program, in the Gifted and other Special Education Programs, and in the High Performing Athletes' Program.


Based on the belief that education is a shared responsibility, we partner with our parents and community through a highly effective School Council, and through frequent, ongoing communication with parents through our blog, information evenings, Student Planners, Progress reports and individual meetings. Staff value parental involvement as an effective means of supporting student success. St. Andrew's is a place where valuable and exciting things happen before, during, and after the regular school day. Student leadership skills develop during student fundraising activities such as the Terry Fox Run, Food Drive, and Operation Christmas Child . St. Andrew's MS is highly responsive to its community.