PHONE NUMBER: (416) 395-2940


Topcliff Public School's Mission Statement

Topcliff Public School is located at the south east corner of Jane Street and Finch Avenue in North York, a short distance away from the beautiful Grande Ravine. Since its opening in 1969, Topcliff proudly serves a diverse community of students from Junior Kindergarten to Grade 5.  The diversity of traditions, languages and perspectives in the Topcliff Public School community provide an enriched and exciting learning environment for students and staff alike.  The school's population is 330 students. We are a dual track school, offering English and French Immersion.


 Topcliff expectations are:
  • Let's have a growth mindset
  • Work collaboratively with one another
  • Treat each other with kindness, caring and respect.

As a result, we will ensure high levels of student academic success and a school environment that is a safe and caring  place where all students can learn.


Topcliff is a Future Aces School

We believe that with a positive attitude and through positive actions, our students can achieve success in school and in the wider community.  The Future Aces program is used to reinforce and enhance character building initiatives and to develop students' self-identity, leadership and citizenship skills. Monthly assemblies are held to recognize Topcliff students who have exemplified the month's TDSB character trait and Future Aces Creed values.

More Information About Topcliff Public School

Student Leadership

Topcliff students are leaders! Junior students are trained to be Peer Mediators who help students solve problems during recess times. All junior students are Learning Buddies to the primary students and model positive attitude and respect. We have a student council and an active eco-school's team. Students are responsible, confident, and caring!


Topcliff consistently implements interactive technology into classroom programming by using a variety of digital learning tools.  Teachers engage students, integrate curriculum and provide differentiated instruction through the creative use of technology. 

Special Programs

Topcliff has specialized classes for students with  mild intellectual disabilities. We offer French Immersion for Senior Kindergarten and Grade 5. We also offer English Language Learners programming in addition to our regular classroom curriculum. International Heritage Language classes take place on Tuesdays after school.

The Arts

Topcliff provides a rich Arts curriculum. Students have opportunities to participate in instrumental music through violin, steel pans, Orff instruments and African drumming. Visual and dramatic arts are a key component in all classroom programs. Teachers also offer a variety of sports programs.

Topcliff partners with York University, George Brown College, Humber College, and OISE UT to provide learning opportunities to student teachers, student nurses and student child youth workers.

Additional Features

  • Dedicated, Committed Teachers
  • French Immersion
  • Focus on anti-oppresion and equity
  • STEM Learning and Makerspace
  • International Language Program
  • Nutrition Program
  • Technology Integration
  • Indigo Grant Recipient

Student Life - Where You Belong


We believe in the importance of extra-curricular and co-curricular activities at Topcliff.  Among our skilled staff are artists, dancers, athletes, coaches and musicians who share their talents generously with their students. Students have many opportunities to participate in a wide range of atheltic activities such as  basketball, softball, volleyball, cross country running,  soccer, and track and field.  We also offer various activities such as violin and steel pans lessons, indoor curling program, drama club, African drumming and many more. Topcliff is also a site for the International Heritage Language programs and Park & Recreation's breakfast program and after school programming.  We are committed to offering rich learning experiences to our students!


The Topcliff community is very special. Parents, volunteers and teachers work together to support our students. Our parent and community volunteers support the nutrition program, work in the library, assist in classrooms and even coach teams!  We focus on nurturing the whole child.


Family participation is encouraged through special events such as our annual family barbeque and concerts. We have a daily morning meal program run by a dedicated group of parent volunteers. Our regular school council meetings provide an opportunity for parents to give their input into important school matters.We provide workshops to meet the needs of our parent community. Topcliff liaises with various outside agencies including: Surrey Place, Black Creek Community Health Centre, the Jane-Finch Early Years Centre, and CamH.