PHONE NUMBER: (416) 395-2780


R J Lang Elementary and Middle School's Mission Statement

R. J. Lang Elementary and Middle School is a caring and inclusive community-based school. For the past 50+ years we have served the educational needs of this changing and vibrant neighbourhood. The residential area includes apartments, condominiums, single dwelling homes, and newly-constructed townhouses. Over 25 different languages are spoken by our children with more than 60% of our students speaking English as a second language. Farsi, Korean and Russian are the most prevalent languages. Supporting our pupils we have special needs programs and ESL instruction. On-site Settlement Workers welcome and assist our newcomer families. We are also excited about our new partnership with Play and Grow - a before and after school program.

R.J. Lang Elementary and Middle School serves a diverse and multicultural population and has a strong commitment to its community. Our goal is to partner with the students, parents and the community to engage and equip students on their journey of lifelong learning. Our very capable staff provide a safe and caring environment and are dedicated to the needs of the whole child. At R. J. Lang, we seek to cultivate an inclusive culture where student leadership and school involvement is viewed as a training ground for life.

Student Leadership

Students at R.J. Lang have many opportunities for leadership experiences. The school actively promotes student leadership initiatives including: EcoTeam leaders, student morning announcers, office monitors, peer mediators, student council, kindergarten lunchroom leaders, kindergarten recess helpers, Young Women on the Move leaders, classroom volunteer leaders,  and Newcomers to Canada peer mentors. 

More Information About R J Lang Elementary and Middle School


 Teachers and students collaboratively develop learning goals and success criteria. Through culturally relevant pedagogy, differentiated instruction and descriptive feedback, teachers provide guidance and direction. The focus on higher order thinking skills is a key component of each lesson.

Literacy is integrated into all areas of the curriculum. This includes environmental literacy, financial literacy, and computer literacy. As well, an interdisciplinary approach to learning is strongly promoted and can be evidenced by the collaborative planning and teaching efforts of our staff. The new addition of laptops this year has provided an exciting vehicle for our students and teachers to expand their communication, research and creativity skills. Our work with the Learning Partnership's Welcome to Kindergarten program and  Ontario Early Years helps us to support families in preparing their children for lifelong learning from the very start! 


A strong mathematics program is developed beginning with our youngest learners in junior kindergarten. Teachers use an inquiry-based approach focused on numeracy skills. Our targeted work on a few highly effective teaching and learning strategies to promote higher level thinking proved effective in developing math skills.

In the intermediate division students are engaged and excited about their learning and staff are working together to provide rich tasks and authentic learning experiences in their classrooms. Connections to real world issues and recognizing the links to mathematics helps students to value and apply their learning as global citizens. The junior and primary grades are also making full use of the technology available within the school and are involved in a variety of relevant projects and tasks.  

Community, Culture and Caring

R. J. Lang is committed to school-wide activities involving all students and staff, which aim to promote school spirit and to strengthen our sense of school community. Opportunities for students to interact with students from all grade levels help to cultivate character development!

Student Success Initiatives

Our special education staff work closely with the regular classroom teachers and families of our students to maximize opportunities for student achievement. Our guidance counsellor provides grade 7 and 8 students with information about high school programs, career paths and high school transition days for our graduating students that takes place in the spring. 

Student Life - Where You Belong


Our dedicated staff provide a wide range of extra-curricular activities that are supported by parents, volunteers and student leaders. A wide variety of leadership opportunities are offered to encourage students to explore their interests.  If music is their passion students are invited to join one of our 2 choirs or be part of the band.  If they like competitive sports, they can try out for track and field, basketball, volleyball and softball teams. Pupils can stay active by participating in intramurals which take place at lunch.   There are many ways to get involved at Lang!


R.J. Lang is in a unique situation; we are fortunate to have a number of facilities. Students have the opportunity to learn how to play a variety of instruments in our custom designed music room. Our physical education program takes place in our divided double gym, allowing our students to experience playing sports on full size courts. Our outdoor facilities include a primary and junior playscape, an open air classroom, as well as a very large play field, which features a baseball diamond and soccer field.


R J Lang has a School Council Executive meets regularly and all parents are invited to all meetings. Regular parent volunteers assist in the school's library, classrooms, and with excursions. Regular parent volunteers assist with pizza days and fundraising activities. Our commitment to working and communicating with students' parents is evident in school-wide initiatives including: newsletters, evening information sessions, parent-teacher reporting conferences, Open House and school concerts.