PHONE NUMBER: (416) 395-2270


Dallington Public School's Mission Statement

Dallington Public School is a Kindergarten to Grade 5 school located in the Don Mills/Sheppard area. As a dual track school, Dallington P. S. has two languages of instruction - English and French.
We are very proud to have been named a 'School on the Move' by the Ministry of Education.
At Dallington we want children to enjoy learning, challenge themselves to take risks, and solve problems. We want every child to be successful and to be inspired to be a lifelong learner. We provide support for students in a variety of ways including English as a Second Language programs and Special Education and remedial programs. We partner with parents and other community members to enable our students to achieve.


Build Character - Build Success

At Dallington, we believe strongly in integrating character education in all aspects of school life. Every month we feature and celebrate one character attribute with a school-wide assembly. The character education program helps students learn and practise character attributes that encourage them to be and do their best while creating a safe, caring, and inclusive school environment. 

More Information About Dallington Public School

Schools on the Move

The Schools on the Move initiative celebrates schools that are making significant and sustained progress in student achievement. There are 140 schools in the province that have this very distinct honour. The program began in 2006 and at that time there were only 23 schools nominated. To learn more about "Schools on the Move" visit the Ministry of Education website.

Technology at Dallington

We are strongly committed to providing our students with daily access to technology. We have multiple mobile laptop labs used to enhance student work in literacy and technology. Teachers are also using Interactive White Boards (IWBs) to engage students with a dynamic, student-friendly, hands-on approach to learning on a daily basis. 


Dallington is a gold certified Eco-School. The EcoTeam meets regularly to discuss and plan school-wide initiatives to help educate students and staff about environmental issues. Our student EcoTeam chooses a monthly focus to raise awareness of all students. Examples of monthly initiatives include bulb planting, picking up garbage, litterless lunches, and recycling.

Dallington is a Toronto Schools on the Move

The aim of Toronto Schools on the Move is to establish a culture that supports a healthy active school environment that is safe and inclusive.
TSM believes in maximizing opportunities for all students to be physically active on a daily basis in less structured programs in order to work towards the recommended 90 min/day of physical activity stated by Health Canada.

Additional Features

  • Safe and Caring Environment
  • Strong Athletic Program
  • Dedicated Teachers
  • Extensive Library/Computer Lab
  • International Languages
  • Extra-Curricular Program
  • Active School Advisory Council
  • Scientists in the School

Student Life - Where You Belong


Dallington is a great school with many wonderful features. Students are surrounded by teachers who are willing to provide them with help on subjects in which they have difficulties; however, what I like most about Dallington is being in a French Immersion school and having the chance to learn a new language. Dallington is filled with fun activity days for students in all grades! Students are also taken on field trips and excursions to places, like the R.O.M and the A.G.O..
Dallington has many teams and clubs. There are many sport teams, EcoClub, reading club, and several more. For sport teams, Dallington provides suitable and safe equipment. Dallington is an EcoFriendly school. We show this by having an EcoClub, turn off the lights when we leave a room, bring reusable and resealable lunch containers, recycle, and have school clean up days. Every December, our principal, Mme Pitre gives us a challenge to raise a certain amount of food for the food bank. If we raise enough food, which we always do, then she will do a fun and exciting challenge!
Dallington Student


At our school we are committed to delivering academic programs that promote high achievement, especially in the areas of language and mathematics. We provide our students with the tools and understanding they need for continuous, successful learning. Our school performs very well in the Grade 3 provincial EQAO testing in reading, writing, and mathematics.  
Our community-based childcare, Rendezvous Child Care, is housed in our school and serves young children and students aged two and a half to twelve.


Dallington collaborates with many different community/social agencies such as Toronto Police Services, Toronto Public Health, Oriole Community Centre, and TDSB Continuing Education. Dallington is also fortunate to act as a host school to many educational institutions. We have student teachers placed here from York University - Glendon College, as well as Early Childhood Education students from Ryerson University supporting the "We Will Read" program in our Grade 1 classrooms.  Dallington is also very privileged to have a supportive cadre of volunteers, including seniors, who work to support our students in literacy and mathematics.