PHONE NUMBER: (416) 395-2250


Crestview Public School's Mission Statement

Crestview Public School is a Kindergarten to Grade 5 school situated on Seneca Hill Drive. Opening in 1972, Crestview continues to benefit from being a culturally diverse school. The school has 350 students, who are representative of our global community.  Many of our students are fortunate to be multi-lingual language users. We have Early Learning Program for Kindergarten students.  All our JK/SK students are at school all day!

Crestview provides programs that support the expectations outlined in the Ontario curriculum. Students are given opportunities to learn to the best of their ability and to gain the skills necessary for the achievement of high standards. Staff work together effectively to create a learning environment  that  values individual abilities, self-esteem and children's emotional well being.  Students, staff and parents take a great deal of pride in being members of the Crestview school community.

Integrating Technology

At Crestview, we want to ensure that our students are provided with multiple opportunities to use technology for learning.  Our school Resource Centre includes an Interactive White Board for student instruction.  We have also equipped our classrooms with Chromebooks, iPads, laptops, document cameras and digital projectors to support programming. Our special education students have access to tablets and to Promethean Whiteboards. We regularly purchase software that enables students to improve their literacy skills and numeracy skills. 

We have purchased several digital cameras for student use during classroom activities and for use by the Photography club. 

More Information About Crestview Public School

The Arts

We have organized our timetables to provide our students with a variety of Arts activities during teacher prep time. Our students from Kindergarten to Grade 3 all have dance, music and drama delivered by a teacher trained in those areas. All our classes are given an opportunity to perform for our school and parents during our assemblies and during concert evenings.

Students at Crestview take part in co-curricular arts based clubs like Choir, Tap Dance and Crafts clubs.  They showcase their talents and hard work at school and within the community.

Academic Achievement

Crestview students are very dedicatated to learning in every area of the curriculum.  Through their report card marks and through EQAO results, they have consistently demonstrated that they are focused on high achievement.  All our students work hard and contribute to our goal of becoming the best they can be.

We have a variety of academically based co-curricular activities such as math clubs and reading clubs.  We also host a STEM night where parents can participate in hands on activities with their children. 

Character Matters

Crestview staff acknowledges the importance of character education and of holding the belief that ALL students will demonstrate character traits to the best of their ability. During school-wide Character assemblies, the focus is on building students’ understandings of the traits and on celebrating examples of strong character within our school community.

We also teach with a focus on developing character and reducing potential behaviour issues using resources like Second Steps, Let's Stop the Bullying, and Zones of Regulation.  We have developed a Code of Behaviour and School Motto in collaboration with our students and parents.

Eco School

We are focused on sustainable practices and for that reason we have joined many others schools in becoming a certified Eco school.  We have worked together to reduce our use of energy by turning off lights and computer monitors.  We have also reduced the amount of waste and recycling we produce. Our energy and waste audits are part of the EcoClub focus this year.

We are working hard to maintain EcoSchools certification.  It takes an entire school to work together to earn this certification.
Our students participate in boomerang lunches, composting, providing bird feeders, and in planting in our courtyard.

Student Life - Where You Belong


Student life is vibrant and active.  We have a wide variety of co-currricular activities and clubs like Chess Club, Photography Club, Tap and Hip Hop Dancing Club, Reading Club, and Choir, to list a few.  We also have House-league activities weekly with sports like Basketball and Volleyball on offer. School spirit is further reinforced with our Spirit Team Program.  All students and staff members are on teams and can earn points for their teams by participating fun events like Spirit Days and activity days.
Students also have leadership opportunities through roles such as Playground Activity Leaders (PALs), Office Helpers, Morning Announcers, Mudroom Monitors,and Library Helpers.
Every two months, we have a celebration of student achievement showcased during our Character assemblies.  Students perform various selections of drama, vocal music and dance, highlighting Character traits. We encourage parents to join us and enjoy this showcase of student talent.
Each class goes on one or two field trips a year, as well as benefiting from programs such as Scientists in the School. Classes regularly visit the  TSO and go on a variety of community based walking trips.


Crestview has many bright and hard-working students. Students have an opportunity to use a variety of technology tools including clasroom computers, document cameras and Interactive White Boards. We also have 20 iPads being integrated at the kindergarten level; laptops for Junior students and Apple laptops for our Grade 6 computer strategy. 
In keeping with our school motto, we believe respecting the world is our responsibility. To that end, we are highly committed to ensuring that our students learn the importance of taking care of the enviornment and are pursuing EcoSchools re-certification. We have a courtyard that is used as an outdoor classroom where we compost, hang student made bird feeders and where we have worked on developing several types of gardens.
We also believe in stressing the importance of social responsibility. Students fundraise for The Terry Fox Foundation and also participate in the Social Action club, where they choose a cause to support and mobilize their efforts, under the direction of a teacher. 


We have an active School Council which is focused on developing fundraising initiatives and building opportunities for parents to network and develop supportive friendships. We have University and College students completing practicums in our classrooms. We have a YMCA Child Care, Settlement Workers, and host International Language Programs after school on Wednesday evening. We consistently communicate through our website, our parent newsletters, report cards, interviews, letters and phone calls to parents.
Our School Council works with school staff and other parents to provide learning opportunities at council meetings.  They have hosted sessions on Anti-Bullying, Helping Children with Homework, and EQAO.