PHONE NUMBER: (416) 395-2800


Ranchdale Public School's Mission Statement

Ranchdale Public School is located south of York Mills Road and west of Victoria Park Avenue. The school was once an extensive apple orchard. A few aging apple trees still remain on the property providing shade and a boundary for our playground.

The school first opened over forty years ago as an open concept school and has since been renovated to accommodate a variety of teaching and learning styles.  The school population is approximately 240 students from Junior Kindergarten to Grade 5. We have a  Special Education Diagnostic Kindergarten Program that services JK and SK students with special learning needs.

Numeracy Focus

Numeracy is a major focus at Ranchdale. Teachers use effective instructional strategies;  Three-Part lessons, differentiated instruction, and the direct teaching of math vocabulary and problem solving strategies. Students are involved in 60 minutes per day of math instruction, learn to use tools (e.g., math manipulatives, technology) to develop the mathematical thinking and vocabulary necessary to communicate their understanding of concepts.

More Information About Ranchdale Public School

Student Well-Being

We offer a variety of school-wide events that promote a healthy, active lifestyle, good nutrition, and  mental health. Students are involved in extra-curricular clubs, the Terry Fox Run, and benefit from  the "Morning Munch." We have a dedicated student leaders who help throughout the school, and our 'Girls on the Move' who lead activities for younger students.


We strive to develop media and technology skills in our students. We integrate the use of , iPads, tablets, Chrome Books, and Interactive Whiteboards as tools to deliver curriculum and to digitally capture the learning of our students. Technology motivates our students to experiment, develop their knowledge and to communicate.

A Variety of Reading Opportunities

All students are involved in guided and independent reading activities. Reading Buddies/Learning Partners between different grades is in evidence throughout the school. There is a highly successful Booster Reading program facilitated by a teacher and run by parent volunteers. Extra-curricular opportunities to read include the Blue Spruce Club and First Language Story Time.

The Arts

The Arts are a highly valued aspect of our school culture. The tile mosaic mural in our lobby was created by students during an-artist-in-the-school program.  All our students are involved in Dance, Drama, Music and Visual Arts activities. We have monthly assemblies, school performances and the Ranchdale Choir enabling students to showcase their creativity and skills. 

Additional Features

  • Diagnostic Kindergarten Program
  • Caring and Safe School Environment
  • Updated Technology in Classrooms
  • Community Service Projects
  • Library Learning Commons
  • Custom-built Kindergarten Rooms
  • Many Extra-Curricular activities
  • Beautiful School Grounds

Student Life - Where You Belong


 At Ranchdale Public School, students have the opportunity to be involved in a wide variety of extra-curricular activities at all grade levels.
From sports activities, including basketball, volleyball, soccer, cross country and track and field and floor hockey, to general interest clubs such as reading, drama, Eco, crafts, gardening, and choir, to Girls on the Move and student leadership opportunities, everyone has an opportunity to be involved!
There is a Junior Tech team that helps teachers set up and "trouble shoot" iPads and tablets that are used in classrooms every day.  To support our Eco School initiatives, there is a team of Recycling Monitors who assist with our recycling bins and a gardening club that is working to beautify our school gardens.
Our motto in the front foyer is: Dream It, Believe It, Achieve It. At Ranchdale, we demonstrate respect for all!  Everyone is encouraged to be the best that they can be!


At Ranchdale we provide a challenging program which effectively implements the Ontario Curriculum in all subject areas.  We have a strong focus on promoting a healthy, active lifestyle, character education, and a instilling an appreciation for the Arts in all our students. Being an accredited Eco School, we want our students to have a sense of stewardship for the environment and pride in becoming responsible citizens of the world.
A unique feature of our school is our Diagnostic Kindergarten program.  We have two specialized classrooms that service students with special needs from the wider community. The staff in the DK program are specially trained Teachers and Educational Assistants who are supported by Occupational Therapists, Speech Pathologists, Special Education Consultants and other TDSB personnel.  The students in the DK program are offered opportunities for inclusion in our Full Day Kindergarten program, as appropriate, and participate in all school events; Reading/Learning Buddies, assemblies, play days, and school arts presentations.


Ranchdale has an active School Council which meets regularly during the school year. There is parent representation on school committees: Caring and Safe Schools, Information Technology and Fundraising. Parent volunteers are involved in our Morning Munch,  Booster Reading program, assist on school trips and coordinate fundraising.  Ranchdale parents actively support their children by participating in all school-wide events.
The community and local retailers are always supportive of our school events by providing prizes for fundraisers, gardening supplies for our student gardening club and by supporting our annual "We Scare Hunger"  food drive.