PHONE NUMBER: (416) 394-7520


Albion Heights Junior Middle School's Mission Statement

Albion Heights Junior Middle School is located in a residential community on the northwest corner of Toronto. We are adjacent to the William Osler Health Centre and steps away from Humber College. The school opened over 40 years ago and offers Kindergarten to Grade 8. We are a growing diverse community with approximately 460 students. The Y.M.C.A. operates an after school day-care program on the premises. International Language classes operate weekly, extra curricular sports and activities are available and Instrumental Music are offered to students in middle school.
Many of our new families are new Canadians who speak different languages.  

Student Achievement and Student Success 
  • Continue to collaboratively plan through effective Professional Learning Communities
  • Continue to purchase technology (Chromebooks ,Projectors, IPads) to implement the curriculum
  • Focus on engaging students in relevant challenging mathematics through problem solving, critical thinking skills and the use of manipulatives
  • Using Programs such as Raz Kids, Levelled Literacy Program
  • and Early Reading Intervention programs to improve student literacy
  • Continue to improve student achievement and well-being for each and every student


Many classes are involved in this Entrepreneurial Adventure program which is a unique business-education partnership. The project brings together students with a business partner to create their own entrepreneurial venture and make it happen. The intent is to nurture a spirit of innovation and enterprise in our students. An enterprising approach to learning will encourage students to use their initiative, be resourceful, make decisions, solve problems, look for opportunities and take risks in the way they learn. A celebration of the accomplishments will be celebrated at the Entrepreneurial Adventure Showcase in the Spring. 

More Information About Albion Heights Junior Middle School


At Albion Heights, we believe that the teaching and learning of mathematics is a priority as we continue to have high expectations for our students.  Through teachers co-planning, co-teaching and Professional Learning Teams, we will provide support to all our learners.


Students are selected to represent their school as a Darearts delegate. The Darearts delegates gather with 30 other students from across the GTA to study the arts and cultural history. Expectations, discipline and standards of achievement will be high. Students will be involved in a Dare arts subsidized arts event in Toronto. 


Teachers continue to integetrate technology into their program through the use of I Pads and Chrome books and  they have access to various technologies such as Smart Boards, Promethean Boards and digital cameras.  All of this is to embed technology into the classroom. 


Character education is an important part of Albion Heights. Each month students are recognized over the PA system and their picture is displayed on a bulletin board. Special assemblies focus on celebrating various cultures and events. Families, friends and caregivers are always welcome.

Additional Features

  • Yearly Community Breakfast
  • International Language Program
  • Extra-Curricular Offerings
  • Pizza Lunches
  • Instrumental Music
  • School Performances
  • Albion Leaders
  • Teacher Candidates

Student Life - Where You Belong


Students at Albion Heights take part in a variety of enriching activities during the school day and after school.
  • Albion Leaders
  • Me To We
  • Dare Arts
  • Intramurals (floor hockey, soccer, cricket)
  • Chess Club
  • Etobicoke Field Studies Program
  • Instrumental Music - strings, band, school orchestra
  • Athletic teams (volleyball, basketball, soccer, track and field)
  • Spirit Days
  • Terry Fox Run
  • Technology Team
  • French Club
  • Library Team
  • Eco Team
  • Singing Club
  • Sports Team - soccer, basketball, volleyball, badminton


The entire Albion Heights community values learning and strives for excellence.  Our students are the focus of our school and we truely believe that all students can reach their potential.
The education of our children is a partnership between home, school and the community. Parents and caregivers are an essential part of the important job of educating children in our school.
The staff at Albion Heights takes the responsibility of educating our children very seriously and we are committed to the success of our students.
The school responds to the needs of the community as a Heritage Language site throughout the year.
We are committed to the social and academic well being of our students and strive to maintain a school environment and programs that contribute to this goal.  We value and strive for excellence. Our students are encouraged to participate in a number of activities that promote all round learning.  Our staff participate in Professional Learning.  


"When parents are engaged, students improve, classrooms improve, schools improve and the entire community benefits".
At Albion we strive to maintain our links between the school, home and community. We value the input of all our community stakeholders.
 In the School:
-Open House/Curriculum Night 
-Math Day
-Community Breakfast and Family Literacy Day
-From 3 to 3 Literacy Program
-Heritage Language Program
-Student Planners
For Our Parents:
-Parent communication through monthly newsletters and student planners
-Regular Parent Council Meetings
-Parent Workshops/Parent Education Center
-Dual Language Parent Resources
- Settlement Worker for Newcomer Families
- High School Information evenings
In the Community:
-Host school  for Teacher Candidates
-Junior Achievement
-Scientists in The School
-Entrepreneural Partnership