PHONE NUMBER: (416) 394-7530


John D Parker Junior School's Mission Statement

John D. Parker Junior School is located in the northwest quadrant of Toronto. Opened in 1974, the school was expanded twice, in 1994 and 1996.  Named in honour of Mr. John D. Parker, one of the original seven trustees elected to the Board of Education for the Township of Etobicoke, the school strives to honour his memory.
The school serves about 650 students who speak 26 different languages. About 63% of the students speak English as a second language.

About 150 students travel by bus to and from the school because of the distance between home and school.

About 450 students remain at school for lunch.

School Mascot

JDP Is The Place To Be!                                                                               

More Information About John D Parker Junior School

Learning Comes First at John D. Parker

Reading and Writing are paramount at John D. Parker School.  Student reading progress is carefully tracked.  Writing samples from every student are collected 4 times per year.  Substantial blocks of time are set aside for the development of fundamental literacy skills. Students are encouraged to write using their imagination.  

Numeracy Skills are Important

At John D. Parker we pay meticulous attention to concept development through the use of hands-on materials.  Problem-solving techniques are emphasized.

Pathways to Success Require Careful Transitions

When a child is promoted at John D. Parker the receiving teacher is sent precise information about the child's reading levels as well as samples of his/her writing.  Attention is paid school-wide approaches to instruction and management in order to provide consistent growth.

Community, Culture and Caring Are Highly Valued

The John D. Parker Community are welcomed as active partners in their children's learning.  Every fall  parents are invited to Music Literacy Nights.  Parents are entertained and then instructed in how help their child at home.

Additional Features

  • Vigorous Daily Physical Education
  • Championship Interschool Team
  • Eco Gold Aspiring for Platinum
  • Emphasis on Social Justice
  • Careful Tracking of Needy Learners
  • Enthusiastic Outdoor Education
  • Student Leadership Opportunities
  • Generous Charitable Works

Student Life - Where You Belong


John D. Parker provides a myriad of learning opportunities.  Vigorous interschool sports and enthusiastic playground programs combine to serve athletes at all levels, Similarly in music,  JDParker offers weekly choir times for all students as well as extra-curricular choirs that provide greater challenge.  Various craft and games clubs are offered as well. Performance opportunities abound, often focussing on social justice and anti-racism themes.


Visitors to John D. Parker almost always comment on the tone.  The students attend to their learning in a calm and friendly way.  Discipline grows out of their love of learning.  Teachers and students model mutual respect.  Rules are few.  Pleasant reminders of the "the JDP way" are usually enough to keep things safe, happy and productive.
Excellent programmming by our expert teachers is the main reason for this tone.  Precise attention is paid to each child's zone of proximal development and instruction is differentiated appropriately.


 Practicum and intern  students from York University, Ryerson, Humber College, OISE/University of Toronto link us to the academic community
Partnership with Scholastic Canada to test Student Reading Inventory
Professional educators, eager to see balanced literacy programs in action, are welcomed regularly.
Parent volunteers assist in the school's library, classrooms and on excursions