PHONE NUMBER: (416) 394-7070


Millwood Junior School's Mission Statement

Millwood JS is a dual track school offering regular English programs from Junior Kindergarten to Grade 5 as well as French Immersion programs from Junior Kindergarten to Grade 5. Our mission at Millwood is to enable all students to reach high levels of achievement and well being through an inclusive environment allowing our students to acquire the knowledge, skills and values they need to become responsible, contributing members of society.

Student Activities

Students at Millwood have many opportunities throughout the year to become involved in school life. Primary and Junior students are able to choose from a variety of extra-curricular activities including Recorder Ensemble, Forest of Reading/Forêt de la lecture, Robotics Club, Junior Choir and a wide variety of sports including Basketball, Volleyball and Floor Hockey. These opportunities are intended to help students develop confidence, responsibility, a sense of teamwork and maturity.

Student leaders at Millwood are involved in many of the school assemblies and charitable fundraising opportunities, including Remembrance Day and the Poppy Drive, Terry Fox Run and the The St. James FOOD-BASKET. These opportunities anchor the concept that we can all make a difference in this world. 

More Information About Millwood Junior School


Millwood students have a wide variety of interschool sports in which to participate. Our Primary students have the opportunity to get involved in school sports by trying out for Cross Country in the Fall and Track & Field in the Spring. In addition to Cross Country and Track, our Junior students are able to try out for Soccer, Basketball, Ball Hockey and Volleyball.


Millwood teachers participate in divisional professional learning with each other and with School Board support personnel to remain current in their own professional practice and to establish best teaching practices.  English and French students and teachers in each panel are integrated to facilitate learning.

Community Involvement

Millwood has a very active School Council and Home and School Committee. The School Council is very supportive of school safety, and curriculum procedures. The Home and School fundraises on behalf of all our students. They are key contributors in supporting school wide initiatives such as the Fun Fair, Jungle Sports, Scientists in the School and the community garden.

Inclusion and Equity

Our goal at Millwood is for every student, staff member and community member to feel personally accepted, respected, included, and supported in the school social environment. At the forefront of this goal is the importance of the teacher-student relationship and by actively involving all students in the life of the classroom and the school community.

Student Life - Where You Belong


Millwood students are very active both inside and outside the classroom.  There is a buzz in the air as students collaborate in various school projects and in extra curricular activities. Our students have the opportunity each spring to showcase their talents during our school concerts. Our Grade 5's students have the opportunity to attend an overnight excursion to an outdoor education centre which provides an opportunity to bond with their peers. 


Throughout the year, Millwood students learn about social and environmental issues which inspire them to organize a variety of events or initiatives to support various causes (eg: Terry Fox Run, Royal Legion Poppy Fund, St James Food-Basket, etc.) 
Our parent and community members are very connected to the school and they actively support Millwood programs in many different ways.  This year, the Home and School has made a concentrated effort to reach out to parents in the community to have them particpate in their child's learning.  This will be particularly important when we have the Bi-annual Millwood Fun Fair, which requires many parent and former student volunteers to make the day a success. 


Community volunteers assist with classroom reading programs.  Co-op students from the local high school assist in classes.  Students from the Faculty of Education programs are provided with mentoring and teaching experience to prepare them for employment.  Community groups use facilities on a permit basis to hold meetings and organized activities. Parents are involved in the School Council and Home and School and help to coordinate school fundraising activities such as the QSP program, Pizza lunches, Fun Fair, etc. Parent volunteers are also involved in the school's library, classrooms, field trips and extra-curricular activities.