PHONE NUMBER: (416) 394-7760


West Humber Junior Middle School's Mission Statement

West Humber Junior Middle School is located in a quiet residential section of Rexdale. The school was first opened for junior students in January 1957. By September 1985, Grades 6, 7 and 8 were added, thus providing a learning experience for students from Junior Kindergarten to Grade 8. Currently, West Humber J.M.S. welcomes Grade 5 graduates from Rivercrest Junior School into our Middle School Program.

We value the diversity of our students and our community. Most of the students at West Humber J.M.S. were born in Canada. A variety of languages in addition to English are spoken in the community including Punjabi, Hindi, Gujarati, Urdu, Spanish, and Korean. Our school is accessible to students with physical challenges.

At West Humber J.M.S. we strive to maintain a positive learning environment where academic success is expected and celebrated. The school's academic program is supported by a Behaviour Code, which focuses on respect, responsibility and safety. We also believe in building the citizenship skills of our students.
Our school offers the International Languages Elementary program. This program is designed to give students the opportunity to learn additional languages, other than English and French, and to learn about and appreciate other traditions, customs and cultures.


At West Humber JMS, we believe that the teaching and learning of mathematics is a priority as we continue to have high expectations of our students.  Our goal focuses on students improving their math achievement levels at all grades and engaging them in real and meaningful math instruction

More Information About West Humber Junior Middle School


West Humber Junior Middle School is participating in the RAZ Kids Reading Program.  This program supports our early readers through the process. This online program can be accessed from both school and home.
We also participate in the From 3 to 3 Program (from age 3 to grade 3), which focuses on developing literacy skills through storytelling.

Parent and Community Engagement

"When parents are engaged, students improve, classrooms improve, schools improve and the entire community benefits"
At West Humber JMS, we strive to maintain our links between the schools, home and community.  We value the input of all our community stake holders. 

Instrumental Music

When students enter Grade 7 & 8 at West Humber JMS they are able to participate in our optional instrumental music program, featuring band and strings.  This program is run on alternate weeks and continues through until the end of Grade Eight.


We are proud of our intermediate students at West Humber JMS and of the initiatives that have supported their academic growth.  Our focus is on students improving their math achievement levels at all grades and engaging them in real and meaningful math instruction.

Additional Features

  • Teacher Candidates
  • Instrumental Music
  • Character Education
  • Special Education

Student Life - Where You Belong


Students at West Humber Junior Middle School are encouraged to assume leadership roles.  Students in Grades 6, 7 and 8 are engaged in activities to build student morale.  Some of our senior students assist in the implementation of some of our schoolwide activities.


The West Humber community values learning and strives for excellence.  Our students are encouraged to participate in a number of activities that promote all round learning.  Our staff participate in Professional Learning Teams to continue to refine their teaching and to meet the needs of all of our students.


- Collaboration with local secondary schools on placement of co-operative education students - Links with George Hull Centre for Children and The Etobicoke Children's Centre - Collaboration with Faculties of Education for placement of student teachers within classrooms - - - - - - - - Monthly School Council Meetings - Trained volunteers for remedial assistance - Parent communication through newsletters and student planners - Support for school initiatives through various fundraising activities - Parent Volunteers on special days and school excursions - Parent presentations related to Grade 8 transition to highschool and other program initiatives - - - -