PHONE NUMBER: (416) 394-7890


Lambton-Kingsway Junior Middle School's Mission Statement

Lambton-Kingsway has enjoyed a long standing tradition of community involvement and educational excellence. The current building (1993) is the fourth school to be located in this community since the village of Lambton was founded.  Dating back to 1845, Lambton Mills Public School was Etobicoke's first two-room school. By 1875 a one- room, red brick school was built at the corner of Lambton Road (now Prince Edward Drive) and Government Road. Increasing enrolment resulted in the construction of a four- room school adjacent to the old school in 1916. The new Lambton-Kingsway Junior Middle School opened its doors to 551 enthusiastic learners on January 4, 1993.

Lambton- Kingsway Code of Conduct

Lambton-Kingsway is committed to providing a healthy learning and working environment by promoting respect, civility, safety, responsible citizenship and academic excellence. All members of the school community are expected to Respect one’s self, others and people in authority; property belonging to the school, community and others; diversity in all people (ideas, beliefs, values and opinions); demonstrate Responsibility by following school, TDSB and Ministry rules and policies; dressing and communicating in an appropriate manner; demonstrating honesty, integrity and accountability for your own words, actions and decisions.

More Information About Lambton-Kingsway Junior Middle School

Student Assessment

The primary purpose of student assessment is to improve learning.
Assessment has the greatest potential to improve learning when it is an integral part of classroom activities. Teachers assess student progress on an ongoing basis by using strategies such as projects, class presentations, homework assignments, classroom observations, portfolios and tests. 

Schools use assessment information and information from other sources to make informed decisions for school improvement planning. Schools identify areas of strength as well as areas that require improvement.

Physical Education & Healthy Living

At Lambton-Kingsway JMS we are committed to supporting physical education and a healthy lifestyle for our students through our physical and health education program and our extra-curricular activities. At LKS, students can participate in a wide variety of sports teams that compete across the TDSB. Students can also compete in our inter-school House League Program.


At Lambton-Kingsway JMS technology is integrated throughout classroom teaching as we prepare our students for future learning.  Classrooms include multimedia projectors, laptops, iPads and more.  Each Grade 5-8 student has the use of their own laptop which is integrated across the curriculum and effectively used to enhance student learning. 

Character Education

Character Counts at Lambton-Kingsway JMS!  Teachers discuss  character traits on a regular basis.  Student committees also exist  that foster leadership and character development such as Student Council, Junior Leadership, Terry Fox Helpers and more.  In addition, student participation and success is recognized school wide through daily and weekly announcements.  

Additional Features

  • Student & Parent Council
  • Equity Teams
  • Athletic Teams
  • Junior Voice - Leadership
  • Community Outreach and Fundraising
  • Science and Inquiry Fairs
  • Instrumental Music and Vocal Music

Student Life - Where You Belong


Lambton-Kingsway JMS is a school community that provides extensive opportunities for all students.  Our staff, parent community and volunteers provide a wide variety of programs and activities that help to enrich the learning opportunities for all students. Students are encouraged to build on their strengths and interests in areas such as: athletics, music, drama, the arts, literacy and numeracy, the environment, social justice awareness, community involvement, peer support, an intermediate house system and an abundance of leadership opportunities. 


Lambton-Kingsway students in Grades 3 and 6 have achieved excellent results in all three areas of the EQAO assessment (provincial performance-based tests developed by the Education Quality and Accountability Office). Our test scores are above provincial standards. We also implement the Candadian Test of Basic Skills at LKS from grades 3-8. Our CTBS (a standardized test) scores indicate above grade level averages in language and math. The factors for this success stem from effective teaching practices, ongoing professional development, the contribution of parent volunteers and strong support from families in the community. We continue to expand and extend the higher level and critical thinking abilities of our learners.


Lambton-Kingsway School and Parent Council acts on behalf of the parent body in a consultative and advisory capacity to the principal. The Council, in association with many parent volunteers, has been instrumental in bringing many resources to the school which enhance the current curriculum and the overall educational environment. These have included; enhancements to the library, computer lab, music program and schoolyard; programs that bring specialists into the school such as scientists, authors, artists and guest performers; annual Springfest and other fund raising events. Parent volunteers can also be found assisting in classroom reading programs, story writing, remedial work, computer labs, library and excursions. They also assist in extra-curricular activities such as drama and concert productions, choirs and school sports.