PHONE NUMBER: (416) 396-2925

GRADE RANGE: 10 to 12

East York Alternative Secondary School's Mission Statement

Grades: 10-12
Approx. Enrolment: 121

East York Alternative is a school community that supports student learning and growth in an environment based on mutual respect and commitment to democratic ideals. The school culture encourages critical thought and engaged citizenship with a diverse group of students on a range of pathways for future success. Students and staff promote open dialogue, care and mutual support. We encourage students to value responsibility, self-reflection, personal growth and pride in achievement.

What Do We Offer?

Earn up to 6 credits a semester combining Co-op and in-school courses:

  • Co-op 2-4 credit (flexible with paid & afterschool options)
  • OYAP – Youth Apprenticeship
  • Dual Credits - take a college course for free and earn high school credits at the same time!
  • Interdisciplinary, Project-Based Activities: (Cooking & Art,   Phys-Ed & Science, English & Media)

  • Visual Arts – Silkscreening & T-shirt Design, Art History & Large Scale Installations
  • Social Justice Focused & Relevant Social Science Courses
  • Math & Science Credit Requirements available in a Supportive Environment 

More Information About East York Alternative Secondary School

Is East York Alternative Right for Me?

Come to EYA to complete your high school education...

Join EYA students working toward college & university admissions...
Or... Gain some credits with us before moving on to a specialized apprenticeship program!
EYA offers: Applied, Academic, Open, Workplace, College, Mixed & University level courses.  We focus on grades 11 & 12 with some grade 10.


The Learning Environment at EYA

In our model of alternative school regular attendance is expected.  The form of instruction will vary on a daily basis and will differ from course to course.  Collaborative work, community-based projects, individual assignments, class discussions, debates, seminars, portfolios, studio work, quizzes and traditional tests and exams are features of most courses. 

Course offerings are influenced by student choice and the needs of student program pathways.  We recognize that learning styles and student needs vary; to that end we support students by addressing curriculum in a manner that is relevant and personalized.

Inside the EYA Studio

Innovation, Creativity and Originality thrive in the Art Studio at EYA.  Students are given the opportunity to explore their artistic side through a variety of media in courses like: Screen Printing T-Shirt Design, Large Mural & Installation Art and Communicating Through Imagery.  Students can experiment with colour, contrast & texture in the studio.

Food, Nutrition & Culture @ EYA

Student Wellness is a priority at EYA.  Our large kitchen welcomes students for breakfast and a morning snack.  The menu selection is drawn from a list of healthy choices.  
Throughout the school year we hold special hot lunch events where students contribute to the menu.  This includes our December Holiday Feast and BBQs in good weather.

Our popular Food, Nutrition and Culture program provides an opportunity for students to cultivate their culinary skills and feed the school community.

Additional Features

  • Notebooks, Tablets & Wi-fi
  • Project-Based Learning
  • Yoga and Meditation
  • Environmental Garden
  • School Activity Days
  • Co-operative Education
  • Dual Credits
  • Apprenticeships

Student Life - Where You Belong


“I like alternative schools because of the smaller classes and more focused teaching.  The relaxed atmosphere and chilled-out teaching style. The breaks help reduce stress and the hot breakfast gives incentive to come to school on time.”   - EYA Student
“Coming to EYA was a tough decision but, I knew that switching schools would make a positive difference in my life.  I just wanted to graduate and get out of school ASAP. But I was able to explore different pathways through Dual Credit College courses that I got High School credits for taking and through my great co-op experience I realized different pathways that were not only available but interesting to what I want to do.”   - EYA Student
“I like alternative schools because there is much more flexibility than regular schools.  There is flexibility in assignments because you can choose how you want to do the assignments often, and you can always discuss alternative assignments with a teacher...The teacher-student dynamic is very different from most regular schools because it is much more open and you are more equal with teachers, and the discussions can be much more wide than regular schools.”   - EYA Student


We are a small, caring, vibrant community that offers a safe, inclusive space for students to flourish academically, socially, and in their personal growth. We offer a holistic, experiential education that addresses the whole student.
Teachers are caring, flexible and adaptable mentors who are known by their first names and always strive to help students reach their potential. Our courses are student-directed, arts-focused, and social justice-oriented. Through team-teaching, teachers deliver lessons that allow students to appreciate the interdisciplinary connections between subjects. Students explore their creativity and refine their critical thinking and teamwork skills as they collaborate on relevant projects with real-world applications that enable community outreach. Students are also encouraged to pursue their own passions on rich independent projects that are uniquely tailored to their needs and interests.

Students learn to be independent, self-governing adults, but they also learn about connectedness - to their peers, to the school community, and to the world.


EYA strives to enrich school life by making connections with parents and the neighbourhood.  We believe that these relationships strengthen student commitment and promote life-long learning.  Our past initiatives have included the creation of a garden outside the school and a Career Day in which business owners and potential employers speak with students about opportunities and skill development.  Parents and guardians are encouraged to join the Parent Council and join the staff on Parent Night to discuss student progress.  Our unique Co-op program provides exciting workplace and apprenticeship experience that integrates EYA students with our community partners.  Project Based Learning, a new initiative at EYA, is a cross-curricular program that encourages students to inquire and learn in a meaningful way.