PHONE NUMBER: (416) 396-2435


Rolph Road Elementary School's Mission Statement

Rolph Road Elementary School, which first opened in 1939, serves students from Junior Kindergarten to Grade 6 and also houses an independently run daycare facility. We provide curriculum enrichment through partnerships with specialists for every class from JK to Grade 6 (Scientists in the School, visiting artists and guest speakers). We have an exciting music program, offering recorder and vocal instruction, with performance opportunities.  Students engage in technology regularly, using in class computers, our computer lab, a class set of wireless laptops and seven Smart Boards.  Our students also participate in a variety of extra curricular activities, including our participation in a number of inter-school sporting events.

Sports and Clubs

Rolph Road participates in a number of inter-school sports tournaments.  we usually compete in the following sports each year: cross country running, slo-pitch softball, volleyball, basketball, hockey, soccer and track and field.  Both staff and parents coach the students and manage the teams in an effective partnership.   
Clubs also enrich the lives of our students.  Every year, we participate in the TDSB's Folkfest Jamboree.  We also have an active Eco Club which has helped the school attain Gold Eco-School Status.  

Rolph Road annually participates in the Robotics Lego League Competition.  Students are required to do research on a designated topic as well as program a robot to run through a course.  The team usually performs quite well, including competing in the provincial championships!

More Information About Rolph Road Elementary School

Charity Fundraising Initiatives

Rolph Road students, staff and families raise money for a number of worthy causes.  We participate in the annual Terry Fox Run and have raised well over $50,000 during the past 10+ years.  We also participate annually in the Heart and Stroke Foundation's Jump Rope for Heart event.  Last year, we raised almost $13,000, placing us in the top ten of all schools in the GTA!

Rolph Road's generous parent community also annually supports other charitable initiatives.   For example, we partnered with another needy TDSB school to provide hats, mittens and books for every student in the school.  We have also donated money and gifts to specific families in need at Sick Kids Hospital.  This year before Thanksgiving, we partnered with nearby schools to hold a friendly Food Drive competition, which resulted in thousands of pounds of food being collected!

Leadership Opportunities

Our Grade 6 students contribute to the school environment by volunteering with intramurals, assisting with spirit days, helping out with assemblies, and doing the morning announcements.

Our Grade Six students manage a "Used Books and DVD's" table as well as collect "Pennies for People" - with all of the proceeds donated to charity.  They also organize an annual bake sale. 

Effective Parent Partnerships

Rolph Road is fortunate to have a vibrant School Council and Home and School Association. The members of each group continually demonstrate their commitment to the school through advocacy, annual events, fundraising and outreach initiatives. We have dedicated parent volunteers who work daily in our classrooms to assist teachers and enrich every aspect of school life.

Student Life - Where You Belong


Our students enjoy the large playing field, two playscapes, two baseball diamonds and tennis court on our property.  Our school boasts large classrooms with wide hallways and high ceilings.  Students participate in physical activity, eat lunch and watch presentations in our sunken gym/auditorium.  Monthly pizza lunches, theme days and annual events such as our Fun Fair are greatly anticipated and create excitement within the school.  Watchful parents and responsible staff ensure that Rolph Road is a safe environment for our students.   The Second Step Social Skills Program and a focus on the monthly traits of the TDSB's Character Development initiative, teach and remind our students how to be kind, responsible and empathetic members of our school community.   


Rolph Road is fortunate to have an outstanding group of educators and support staff. Our teachers have a wide range of knowledge, experience and expertise in a variety of areas (vocal and instrumental music, folk dancing, drama, origami, visual arts, computer technology) which they use to enrich their classrooms.  Staff members participate in a professional learning community model by collaboratively working together to plan and engage in professional development.  They willingly give their time to offer extra curricular activities and experiences to the students outside the classroom. Teachers strive to communicate effectively with parents by using the student agendas, notes, phone calls or e-mails. Our secretary provides a warm welcome when you visit the office. She knows most students and parents by name and is reliably efficient in her duties. Our caretaking staff diligently works to ensure that the building is operating efficiently and the outside property is clean and safe. The principal provides direction and supports all members of the school community.     


Rolph Road has a strong and supportive School Council and a very active Home and School Association. Our parents volunteer regularly in the classrooms, on field trips and for larger school wide events.  They raise significant funds for the school through monthly pizza lunches, a direct donation campaign and our annual Fun Fair.  This year, a dance-a-thon was organized which proved to be a huge success!  A new blog outlining the Home and School Association's activities has been very popular and informative.  Our parents also organize "After 4" programs for our students, such as sports, chess and computer activities.   Our students take advantage of several community resources, such as an on-site tennis court, nearby Leaside arena and the Public Library.