PHONE NUMBER: (416) 396-2390


R H McGregor Elementary School's Mission Statement

R.H. McGregor is located at the southwest corner of Mortimer and Coxwell in the former borough of East York.  We are a dual track school offering both English (JK-5) and French Immersion (SK-5) programs to approximately 750 students. We offer academic support for students with special needs through classroom integration as well as resource programs.  Our staff is a team of highly trained and professional teachers, student assistants, caretakers and office assistants. All bring special skills and expertise to their positions setting high expectations for all. 


Mission Statement

At R.H. McGregor, our mission is to provide a safe, caring and bullying free environment, which meets the intellectual, physical, social and emotional needs of our students. With the assistance of parents and the greater school community, we are committed to support our students and lead by example so that they may reach their full potential by focusing on the three R’s

More Information About R H McGregor Elementary School

Focus on Student Achievement

Our focus here at R.H. McGregor is simple - to improve student achievement.  Seven correlates of effective schools help us to keep our focus - a clear and focused mission, a safe and orderly environment, positive home and school relations, high expectations for success, frequent monitoring of student progress, multiple opportunities to learn and instructional leadership.

A Safe and Caring School

Children learn best in an environment that protects, nurtures and teaches them the skills they will need in order to be successful members of society.  Our Caring and Safe Schools Committee along with our Code of Conduct, Peacemakers and Prefects programs all work together to ensure that all school & student safety concerns are dealt with promptly.

Caretakers of the Environment

Ecological literacy is an integral part of our classroom programs at R.H. McGregor.  Our students, staff and parent community constantly strive to make environmental awareness part of everything we do.

Healthy Bodies - Healthy Minds

R.H. McGregor is a recognized Ontario Healthy School and an active member of the Toronto Schools on the Move program.  In addition to our Daily Physical Activity program we offer a wide variety of competitive and non-competitive athletic opportunities for all our students. 

Additional Features

  • WiFi in the entire school
  • French Immersion
  • High Parent Engagement
  • YMCA Daycare
  • Fall Fair

Student Life - Where You Belong


As our school motto states, we are all learning and growing together.  We have a wide varitey of activities, programs and events that enhance each students' school experience.  We have opportunities for students before, during and after school including those with an academic, athletic, leadership, arts and general interest focus.  Our reading clubs operate throughout the entire school day and are all linked to our commitment of providing high expectations for our students.  Our athletic program involves both competitive school teams as well as to ensure that all students have an opportunity to be active.  Our  Peacemaker, Prefect and Recess Revival programs all help teach important leadership skills while our choirs, instrumental ensembles and concerts allow students to tap into their more creative side.  We also bring in a wide variety of outside organizations such as Arts Express, Hatch, Roots of Empathy and Scientists in the School to further enhance each students' school experience.


Working TOGETHER is what sets R.H. McGregor School apart from others!  As our motto states, Learning and Growing Together, we strive to focus on our goals as a group, a team, as a community.  Much like citizens of a small town come together to help each other, the R.H. McGregor "community" works together to ensure that students, staff and parents all have what they need to achieve our high expectations.   Working TOGETHER we will continue to maintain a school that has:
A Focus on High Expectations for Students and Staff
A Safe and Caring Environment
Balanced Literacy and Numeracy programs
Regular and Current Professional Development
Academic, Athletic, Arts and General Interest Programs
A Wide Variety of Volunteer Opportunities
Student Leadership Programs
Character Development Programs
Outreach to Community Members in Need


Parents are a child's most important teacher so we encourage all parents to be involved in their child's school and education. We have a very active Parent and School Council (PSC) that meet once a month during the school year where parents are always welcome. Our Council provides a wide range of support to the school and our programs through fund-raising (Fall Fair, pizza lunches, after school movies, Ginger Bread House Decorating, etc.) and community building volunteering (Welcome Back BBQ, classroom support, excursions, etc.).  Our community involvement extends to our neighbouring schools, Toronto Public Library, Michael Garron Hospital, YMCA, East York Community Care, Scouts Canada and various other organizations, agencies and charities.