Toronto District School Board

Overcoming Unhealthy Habits and Practicing Mindfulness

Friday, July 12, 2024 03:41 PM

Person holding donut and apple

Breaking habits is challenging. Whether it's failing a diet again or compulsively refreshing social media platforms or working on an overdue project-we all struggle with it. This difficulty arises because we are constantly exposed to temptations designed to make us crave and consume, hijacking the reward-based learning system in our brains, which was initially meant for survival.

  • Understanding Reward-Based Learning:

    • We seek to repeat behaviors that feel good and avoid those that feel bad or stressful.

    • When a person engages in a behavior and receives a reward, their brain links the behavior to the positive outcome. This connection strengthens the neural pathways related to that behavior, increasing the likelihood of it being repeated in the future.

  • Self-Control:

    • Self-control is crucial for achieving goals. However, rather than seeing self-control as the key to happiness and success, we should adopt a different perspective and look at it as a broader, more holistic view of the self.

    • Motivation is crucial for developing self-control skills. Identifying what motivates you most is essential for achieving your goals.

  • Practicing Mindfulness:

    • Mindfulness can help people become aware of the rewards reinforcing their habits, allowing them to change their associations.

    • Pay attention to how you feel during your habits. Does this make me feel happy or sad? How do I feel when I indulge?

    • Acknowledge cravings as temporary sensations and thoughts, and let them pass without acting on them.

The journey to breaking unhealthy habits is filled with challenges, but the rewards of overcoming them are great. Each informed decision made with long-term health in mind is a step towards a healthier life. Understanding the behavioral science behind our choices can empower individuals to navigate these obstacles and progressively adopt healthier habits.

Mindfulness can help you overcome bad habits by updating your brain's reward value system. Though behaviors might not change immediately, persistence can lead to breaking free of unwanted habits and effectively managing cravings.